Handmade baby announcement cards, Design 2


This is my second lot of the baby announcement cards that I’ve decided to take up personally and make them handmade. I already have the feeling that I am starting to become a kind of semi-expert on making personal cards, given this is my second venture after my first lot!

I have used the same cards as before, with the cards measuring 13.5 cms by 13 cms. They are of the same colours, the cards being teal-ish in colour and the envelopes dark blue. And yes, the design is mine completely! I think it feels so nice to know that you came up with the idea. Both of lots are centered on the idea of having a peek-a-boo cut-out on the first card page to show the photograph that will be fitten on the inner page … soon hopefully! 🙂

The sequence of the card making is simple. I used my rubber stamp of the baby in the flower and my glitter paste around the petals, I made blue and white felt flowers as decoration pieces, along with the curtains and the peach coloured flowers that I cut out by using my punch-machine.

I first made a rough design on a card so I would know better of how to get the card going. The idea is to create a window with shutters on either side, curtains to be fitted in, and a pot of flowers on the window ledge.







And voila! My card is done! I made, just as the last time, 11 cards, and now I have 15 more to go.


Feeling happy with this lot, in fact I like it even better than the first lot I made! The idea of the pot with the peach flowers in it actually belong to hubby. I haven’t made up my mind yet though what design to follow for the third lot, but I have already bought some materials.

An interesting observation!! Yesterday, while hubby and I were driving through Paris, I made a grand realisation… all the time I’ve lived in France, I have never ever seen a …. school bus for children!!!  A sight I’ve taken almost for granted on the roads of any country I’ve been to, especially if I’m in the vicinity of a school. I told this to hubs and he gave it a thought and agreed that it’s true, one hardly sees schoolbuses at all here in France. How just so different! Well, the reason behind is mainly the fact that almost all schools, or let’s say a big majority of the schools in France have almost the same quality of education offered, so parents don’t feel the need to send their children off to schools far away from where they live. Every city or town or village in France has it’s own school so parents usually drop off their children to school directly. It would be so great if this system could be followed by other countries too, it sounds so logical and easier this way! Children do not have to waste much time in commute and can rather spend the time otherwise in more useful activities. I remember as a child how often I would be nodding off to sleep int he bus and one time, I’d even missed my stop! Oh well, those are my childhood memories! 🙂

8 thoughts on “Handmade baby announcement cards, Design 2

  1. wow, i really love the colors and the handmade flowers on it 🙂 thanks for remembering my school days when our teacher ” karma” used to teach us to make cards and and disco balls 🙂

  2. Pingback: 10 things I didn’t know about being a new Mother | Indian mum in France

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